Is a staged WW3 around the corner?

With the recent madness taking place in the Middle East. We here at Happy Pandemic pose the question are the Elites and the powers that be trying to jump start WW3. Since the chaos of 9/11 the Middle East has been a constant topic of discussion and for many years many have questioned the legitimacy of the wars that took place in the Middle East. From tales of increased drug trafficking to sex trafficking the stories are endless. All we know for the certain is that the people that have lost lives pursuit for freedom in the Middle East seems to have been for nothing. In the recent days we have seen the full resurgence of the Taliban but the question one must pose now is, is this the same group of unorganized terrorist or much more? As we now see from footage from Afghanistan citizens are currently fleeing the country in fear of their lives but here at Happy Pandemic we ask, was this the plan all along from the Elites? Are they once again controlling the live of the 99% to further reach their goals? Tell us what you think in the forum “Afghanistan Again”.