New Zealand Lockdown for one Covid-19 Case. What does it Mean?

What is really going on? That is the first question anyone would ask by the bizarre move made by the government officials of New Zealand to lock the entire country down with the emergence one COVID-19 case. Is this really for the sake of public safety? Does it not go against the means of economic safety for the rest of the population that remains unaffected by the superficial risk of a virus in a country that has only seen 2,926 cases along with only 26 deaths since the pandemic begin?

New Zealand a country of over 4 million seems to have been spared the worse of the pandemic in terms of death and cases announced to that they would be locking down the country once again due to the emergence of one Covid case amongst a 58 year old citizen. All while the main stream media and other platforms champion Prime Minister Jacinda Arden “go hard, go early” strategy, this all in lieu of The Reserve Bank of New Zealand expecting to interest rates on Wednesday. But one bank, Westpac, said it now expected the central bank to keep the official cash rate (OCR) unchanged.

Once again it is clear to see the apparent collusion with the media, big government, and the central monetary system. The question now remains is, how long can the big power establishments keep this game running? Worldwide the aching signs of the economic downturn are being felt worldwide. With inflation right around the corner citizens can expect to see the government, media, and central banks continue playing the game of risk with citizens while opting for even more drastic measures. With the seemingly scheduled resurgence of the Taliban in the Middle East, can once again assume to see the repeated playbooks on display? One can only assume that nations will now turn their attention onto the unbeatable treat of terrorism seeking to quell the newly refreshed threat that is the Middle East. As the saying goes there is nothing more profitable than war.

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