Illegal Mandates are coming!

Today marks a day in history where we the forward critical thinking citizens of The United States witness the starting phases of the end our Democracy. With the illegal approval of the shot by the FDA we can now expect to see illegal mandates sweep across the country.

The approval of Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine was based on its short term clinical trial of 44,000 people with half receiving the shots. The median six-month follow-up period for safety and efficacy began after participants received their second dose, Pfizer said. The company plans to follow the enrollees for 24 months. To quality for FDA emergency use authorization last December, the company followed trial participants for a median of two months after getting their second shot.

Yet by the FDA’s own protocol approval methods, this approval seems to have skipped several key steps. First the pre clinical animal study supplied by Pfizer-BioNTech only gave key details to how effective the shot was towards immunization. During the preclinical trail mice were observed for only 28 days and Macaques observed outwards to 56 days. No further data has been supplied about the safety of the shot or possible side effects that became present in the animals.

Another note is to understand the FDA’s own approval protocol phase so we can get a true understanding how rare a drug is approved at such rapid pace.

  • Phase 1 involves 20 – 100 study participants and lasts several months. This phase is used to determine the safety and dosage of the drug, and about 70% of these drugs move on to the next clinical research phase.
  • Phase 2 involves up to several hundred people, who must have the disease or condition the drug supposes to treat. This phase can last from a few months to two years, and its purpose is to monitor the efficacy of the drug, as well as note side effects that may occur. Only around 30% of these drugs move on to the next clinical research phase.
  • Phase 3 involves 300 – 3000 volunteers and can last up to four years. It is used to continue monitoring the efficacy of the drug, as well as exploring any longer-term adverse reactions. About 25% to 30% of these drugs move on to the last phase of clinical research.
  • Phase 4 involves several thousands of volunteers who have the disease or condition and continues to monitor safety and efficacy. If a drug passes this phase, it goes on to FDA review.

As shown by this table’s Phase 2 definition, only 30% of the drugs under review of the FDA move to clinical trail phase 3 usually which is based on data from Phase 2 data upwards to few months to a 24 months. Its seem by cognitive reason that Pfizer has completely over steeped all of these process on the basis of a short term clinical study of 6 months that shows little to no side effect data or long term effects of the drug. 

It’s now seems we are entering a dangerous time history where medical tyranny is looming right around the corner. Now doctors will push the mostly untested shot to the patients as the best alternative to COVID even though by the CDC’s own admission those with and without the shot have equal the viral load and both are equally able to spread the the virus.

So why approve a leaky vaccine, along with what seems to be a never ending series of booster shots to follow? I implore all to do their research and make the best choice for you and your family. Yet as of today, it seems we are no longer free thinking Americas that have the right to choose what goes into our body without the fear of retaliation and punishments.

With the swift approval of the shot, NYC officials appear to have been waiting in the shadows ready to quickly push out first major mandate. The mandate will be forced on all school teachers to get the shot with now way to opt out. Within the coming days we will continue to see more of this inside game being played as more and more mandates will soon follow.