
With the outrageous news presented by President Biden, it seems illegally forced vaccine mandates are rapidly approaching along with the third booster shot for the devoted followers of the gene therapy shot. It seems the stories change each day, earlier this year we found the narrative to be two shots and you’re done. However, with the recent spike of the Delta variant citizens were left letdown by the Biden Administration once again as the narrative quickly shifted to a booster shot in lue of the waning effectiveness of the COVID shot. With the recent rejection of booster shots by the FDA, the story remains the same among key White House COVID staff that boosters shot are the only way to truly certain that the public is safe. Anthony Fauci in an interview at the Telegraph had this to say.

“I believe, when all’s said and done, it’s going to turn out that the proper regimen, at least for an mRNA vaccine [such as Pfizer], is the two original doses, the prime followed in three-to-four weeks by a boost, but also followed several months later by a third shot,” Fauci told The Telegraph in an exclusive interview.

One, two, three, the count continues to increase. From the words of good ole Joe himself a booster shot will be required every 8 months. With the constant emerging of variants, will this become the new normal they were discussing if so it seems to be one filled with experimental gene therapy with one to take accountable for the growing number of side effects brought about by the shot. Side effects that seem to have been swept under the rug by the Biden Administration and Pfizer. Case in point Maddie De Garay

Maddie 12 years old, received her first dose of the experimental Pfizer mRNA shot in late December 2020. The second dose on January 20, 2021. De Garay was a clinical trial participant for Pfizer experiments on 12 to 15-year-olds at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in a division aptly named the Gamble Vaccine Research Center. Within 24 hours of receiving her second Dose Maddie began to experience severe symptoms Maddie told her mother that she felt “like my heart is being ripped out through my neck” as she experienced painful electrical shocks down her neck and spine, forcing her to hunch over to walk.

Over course of 2 and 1/2 months De Garay’s symptoms would worsen to a terrible state. Her abdominal, muscle, and nerve pain became unbearable. Maddie suffered from gastroparesis, nausea and vomiting, erratic blood pressure, memory loss, brain fog, headaches, dizziness, fainting, seizures, verbal and motor tics, menstrual cycle issues, lost feeling from the waist down, lost bowel and bladder control, and she had a nasogastric tube placed because she lost the ability to eat.

As we can see one with reasonable logic would concluded that De Garay’s condition was the result of Pfizer’s Covid Shot, however, De Garay’s own Doctors did not agree stating that her condition was the result of a neurological condition or anxiety and tried to send Maddie to a mental hospital. While Pfizer avoided the entire situation by not performing an investigation into their own experimental Clinical Trail.

With the third shot approaching the question remains is this necessary, with the constant shifting of the narrative how why should we trust the Biden Administration to tell us the truth. First, vaccinated no mask, now mask. Two shots and done, now booster shot every 8 months due to every emerging variants. Within the course of 8 months we have seen this Administration go back and forth with little to no positive outcome. The only ones begin negative that have caused a divide in the USA by casting one side to question each other. I say its time to stop and point the finger at the ones that have spun us on this wild ride for the the past two years. A two years that has seen the destruction of this country and families through mental and physical torture.

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