Illegal Mandates are coming!

Today marks a day in history where we the forward critical thinking citizens of The United…

Daily Dose of Happy!

We all like to be pampered from time to time.

FDA to illegally approve Pfzier shot as early as Monday

Recent headlines have popped up in the past several days that the FDA will push for…

Daily Dose of Happy!

Sometimes you just want to hide away.

Who is Klaus Schwab? Pt 2

Our continuation of who is Klaus Schwab. In this episode we dive deeper into Klaus Schwabs…

Daily Dose of Happy

Friends helping out friends.

New Zealand Lockdown for one Covid-19 Case. What does it Mean?

What is really going on? That is the first question anyone would ask by the bizarre…

Daily Dose of Happy

Here is our Daily Dose of Happy. Let’s all strive to be as happy as this…

Covid Pass Protests

Around the world Covid Pass Protest are popping up in every country. Yet, the mainstream media…

Is a staged WW3 around the corner?

With the recent madness taking place in the Middle East. We here at Happy Pandemic pose…